Wednesday 10 March 2010

Plan of Action- Updated

Wednesday 10th
1. AB Pictures Logo DONE
2. Start writing voice over DONE

Thursday 11th
1. Sort out Roman thinking
2. Find someone who has Scrabble to film (By friday?)
3. Give voice over to Ricki

Friday 12th
1. Photo shoot with actors
2. Re-film Slick answering his phone
3. Film Lexi writing her name on DVD
4. Re-film Dianne's dialogue LUNCH

Monday 15th
1. Capture Slick "It was you"
2. Capture Slick answering his phone
3. Capture Lexi writing her name on DVD
4. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass

Tuesday 16th
1. Capture DC Black and PC digby in the underpass
2. Edit Slick "It was you", Slick answering his phone, Lexi writing her name on DVD and DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass into the edited sequence

Wednesday 17th
1. Record the voice over

Thursday 18th
1. Think of non-diegetic music to add and how to get it
2. Work on a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo

Friday 19th
1. Add non-diegetic music

Monday 22nd to Tuesday 30th
1. If we have time, we should do a shorter teaser trailer
2. Hopefully we can get Kalbir to help us with the After Effects thing for the scenes where our lighting isn't perfect - it will make it look a lot better but we'll only do it if he has the time to spare
3. Finish anything else that needs to be done


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