Friday 9 April 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 5th to 9th March

1. We filled in the blank gap
2. We finished the trailer and it's at a good length

1. Some of the sound in the trailer still isn't 100% perfect but it will have to do


Friday 2 April 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 29th to 2nd March

1. We finally got a really good voice over recorded and added
2. We have finished editing everything together - we just have to film one more thing then add it

1. We haven't been able to film Bilaal for the blank gap at the beginning yet

Next Steps
1. Film Bilaal on Tuesday morning
2. Capture it and edit it in and we'll be completely done


Saturday 27 March 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 22nd to 26th March

1. We took pictures for the newspaper article and filmed it and edited it in
2. We added sounds
3. We decided on a AB Pictures logo

1. The beginning of our voice over doesn't fit so we have to add something else to the trailer
2. Our voice over doesn't work

Next Steps
1. Find someone else to do our voice over
2. Record it and edit it in


Wednesday 24 March 2010

Police sirens

I converted this siren.

I think this one is good because it sounds echoy, so more naturalistic...
Is it ok?

Posted by Bianca Green

Monday 22 March 2010


We HAVE to mention somewhere in the trailer that the film has a 15 certificate DONE

The Final Stages

I'm not sure if this is all we have left to do or if I've missed something out. If it is all we have left, can we please stick to this plan so we can be efficient and finally get it done.

1. Take a picture of Roman and Slick DONE
2. Add to the voice over DONE
3. Film the newspaper article bit, capture it and edit it in DONE
4. Re-record Dianne's dialogue DONE
5. Convert the siren sounds DONE
6. Add the sound effects that have been converted DONE

I know we want Kalbir to help us with after effects but I don't want to be a burden on him so unless he definitely has the time, we should just leave it.


Voice over re-recordings

We need to re-record the voice-overs. The main ones are:

My name is Roman and my night had a thousand lies

A couple of years ago, something bad happened

It stared off with a simple phonecall

My Night Has A Thousand Lies

His wife's the only one for him

The Night Has A Thousand Lies


Response to Roman's Introduction

Erm I think it would be too long if we said the stuff about age and job, it's not necessary. We just need to make the audience aware that I'm the protagonist etc. Maybe at the end or something he could say:
My names Roman and My Night Had A Thousand Lies ?

Or we could stick to your idea Bianca and perhaps just shorten it a little.


Sunday 21 March 2010

Suggestions for introducing Roman as the protagonist

We all agree that we need to introduce Roman as the protagonist, right?

But you don't want to introduce him like we have done for the characters, right?

So what if he starts off the voice over something on the lines of this:

My name is Roman
I am 25 years old, and I'm a wealthy accountant (or business man)
A couple of years ago, something bad happened,
let me take you back
It started off with a phone call

My only concern is that it will be too long? But his voice over actually intoducing himself is the only other way of introducing the voicer over as the protagonist, but it dosent nessicarly introduce Bilaal's character as also the protagonist...

Unless while that is said, pictures of his life before "The event" was shown like stills- with dianne? (Apparently something similar happens at the begining of Up if ou've seen it) This would also show it's his wife. But if we did do this, we would have to cut down somewhere else in the trailer which is guess is do-able but more effort. and plus we would have to TAKE the pictures too. And we'd have to get Lagsan to record it too...

What do you think?


Saturday 20 March 2010

Bilaal's Weekly Review - 15th to 19th March


1. We edited the voice over and recorded it aswell
2. 'The Night Has A Thousand Lies' logo has been created
3. Music has been put in, especially the montage one
4. Added in Institutional info
5. Re-recorded DC & PC at the underpass and captured it


1. We re-recorded Dianne's dialogue
2. We decided on a decent AB pictures logo
3. Need to decide how to introduce Roman into the trailer without doing it similar to Slick, Lexi & Danny

What's Next

1. Record Dianne's dialogue
2. Work on the AB pictures logo
3. Take pictures of Roman & Slick
4. Convert sound effects (Cell gate, Footsteps, Sirens)


Asha's Weekly Review - 15th to 19th March

1. We did our voice over
2. We finally made a logo
3. We added all our music

1. We didn't get to take pictures of Roman and Slick for the newspaper article
2. We still have to make a good AB Pictures logo
3. We have to re-record Dianne's dialogue
4. The group is falling apart - what happened to the agreement that everyone should do an EQUAL amount of editing???

Next Steps
1. Re-record Dianne's dialogue MONDAY
2. Take pictures of Roman and Slick MONDAY
3. Edit the voice over in MONDAY
4. Convert and add in the sound effects that SHOULD have been converted on Thursday MONDAY
5. Make a really good AB Pictures logo - we can do it!! MONDAY
6. After effects (hopefully)


Possible plan B ABP logo

I was just thinking if we can think of a good AB Pictures logo, we could do

in capitals with the same font and colour as the "coming soon" shot, because then it would be more consistent?
Or the T could be normal... I really dont know!!

I really can't think of something that is as good as the scrabble PTP logo

Bianca's Weekly Review- 15th to 19th March


We have pracially finished the editing. This included this week:
REcording the voice over
Institutional information (coming soon page and film reviews)
Adding in sound effects (door slam and phone ring)
Film title logo completed with sound
Found and added in the music for the montage
Refilming (Dan's phonecall, DC and PC at the underpass)
Added any shots needed
Added effects to sound an video, to make it consistant and balanced


If we were able to refilm Dianne's dialogue
If we didn't have to refilm the voice over for the third time- this was because we used the wrong microphone setting and was not clear/loud enough with the trailer.

Plans for next week:

As a group:

Refilm Dianne's dialogue (MON lunch)?
Edit in voice over (MON after school)?
Make an AB Pictures logo (MON/TUE)?

Need to find: Footsteps, police sirens and cell gate shutting sound effects

Then we should be done! And I have reminded Kalbir about helping us with after effects this coming week...

If anything needs changing, just update it!


Cosmopolitan draft (MON)
Final Total Film (MON)


Thursday 18 March 2010

Institutional Logo

I done similar types because I looked at a few Film Noir fonts and they were similar so I thought I would do a range of them.
Anyways, when do we plan on taking pictures or filming me and Amarit holding up a piece of paper saying our names? Badar's has already been done


Response to Institutional Logo

Firstly the comany name has changed to AB Pictures because there is already PRIME TIMES PRODUCTIONS company.

Secondly i dont think there is much variety. When me and Asha came up with that idea it was a suggestion, but I don't think its good. I would prefer if we moves our logo idea totally away from what we have deveopled already.

Compared to the title log and the prime Times Productions Logo, as an idea I don't think its good. I think we could do something so much better!


Institutional Logo

Made a few logos for AB Productions. Check them out, hope you like them.

Freestyle Script

Vladimir Script

Harlow Solid Italic

Informal Roman


Palace Script MT

Rage Italic


What still needs to be done in the trailer?

Add the phone call sound DONE
Add a sound effect to go with the title DONE
Sort out the audio from Palladio to Frozen DONE
Sort out the sound at the end DONE
Make an AB Pictures logo
Put the Prime Times Productions logo and AB Pictures logo on the institutional "Coming Soon" shot
Re-record the voice over (Friday after school)
Edit the voice over into the sequence

Bilaal: Can you please read this...

Where were you today? You were meant to come in at 8 and you never did.

I find that you have been slacking lately in the last two weeks.

Firstly, last week you changed your day off from a Friday to a Tuesday, but still you didn't come on Friday. The thing that annoys me the most is that after we filmed in the drama studio Friday after school, you asked what we were going to do next and to that I replied: we are going to edit now. However, you went home.

Secondly, yesterday, we all set tasks for each of us to complete after school. Both Asha and I did our tasks, and extra. For example, I did the instututional information, and ALSO did YOUR TASK (finding music) and I helped Asha with the voice over. But while we were doing that, you disappeared to the shops, without telling us, and kept going off and chatting to other groups, when we have lots of work to do.

Even at this time of the project, I dont think you're putting in any effort, and even when you do something, you use the minimum effort to do so. You barely know what is ever going on (though it's always posted on the blog), and you never use your initiative to find out what needs to be done. We DON'T have to tell you what to do all the time, but it seems it's the only that you do any work.

You still haven't done much work on the blog either. You haven't done a trailer analysis, you haven't done your weekly progress for the past like month, and whenever I suggest something on the blog to both you and Asha, she is the only one whe replies with her opinion. And I never feel you contribute fully to anything.

I'm getting really fustrated with this now, it's being going on since December, but whenever I try and speak to you, you get upset or say I do do work!

Do you have anything to say that would sort this out because I really don't know what to do anymore.


Wednesday 17 March 2010

Montage Music

Ok so I've found a video with a range of fast paced instrumentals. Check them out, I've listed a few which I like:

Film Reviews- For the trailer

Here is the film reviews we are going to put in out trailer to promote it as it is recognised by famous institutions:

“Noir reinvention: Genius”

The Times

“a refreshing mix of Film Noir and modern society”

Total Film

“Sexy, stylish and sophisticated”



Tuesday 16 March 2010

Wednesday 17th March - Updates

Wednesday 17th
1. Make a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo (DONE)
2. Re-film Dan’s phone call (DONE)
3. Record the voice over and edit it in (Needs to be re-done)
4. Think of music for the montage and Dianne’s leaving bit

Thursday 18th
1. Improve AB Pictures logo
2. Think of an entertainment company
3. Re-record Dianne's dialogue (Lunch)
4. Re-record the voice over (Lunch)
5. Think of music for the montage and Dianne leaving (Before school)
6. Institutional information
7. Add the rest of the reviews (Before school)
8. Fill in the black gap where Dianne said "Don't worry, I trust you" (Before school)

Whenever we can
1. After effects
2. Teaser trailer

Anything else that needs to be done can be done whenever

Institutional information

We thought about the institutional information needed for our trailer and other things:


Is this ok?

Sunday 14 March 2010

New Plan of Action

There are reasons for me changing it from what Bianca had.

Monday 15th
1. Think of the rest of the non-diegetic music we have to add
2. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass

Tuesday 16th
1. Carry on thinking of non-diegetic music if we haven’t got it all yet and add it in
2. Capture Slick’s “It was you”, Dan’s phone call and DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass and edit them in
3. Film Dan's phone call

Wednesday 17th
1. Record the voice over and edit it in
2. Make a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo

Thursday 18th
1. Make a shorter teaser trailer

Whenever we can get help
1. After effects

Anything else that needs to be done can be done whenever


Saturday 13 March 2010


Tap water running

Rain with thunder- for the gang leader outside
I don't know if it sounds too heavy

And I can't find footsteps that sound like they are in the underpass...
We could record that on monday? But then we need one of the school's camera's and the microphone.



Monday 15th
1. Capture Slick "It was you"
2. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass AFTER SCHOOL
3. Refilm Dan's phonecall LUNCH?

Tuesday 16th
1. Capture DC Black and PC digby in the underpass, and Dan's phonecall
2. Edit Slick "It was you", Slick answering his phone, Lexi writing her name on DVD and DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass into the edited sequence
3.Focus on the film title logo

Wednesday 17th
1. Practice and re-record the voice over

Thursday 18th
1. Find diegetic sounds to add and how to get it

Friday 19th
1. Add non-diegetic music

Monday 22nd to Tuesday 30th
1. Create teaser trailer
2. After Effects
3. Finish anything else that needs to be done


Bianca's Weekly Review - 8th to 12th March

We wrote and recorded our voiceover.
We decided and added in trailer music.
We decided and created a logo for AB Pictures.
We decided and created a logo for Prime Times Productions.
We had a photo shoot for the images needed for our magazines/websites.
We refilmed Slick answering the phone.
We refilmed Dianne's dialogue.
We filmed Lexi writing on a piece of paper.

we were happy with the voice over- so we are going to re-record it next week
We filmed a diferent angle of Slick
Dianne's dialoue wasn't missing

Plans for next week

As a group:
Re-record voice over
Re-record Dianne's dialogue
Re-record Dan's phonecall
Re-record PC and DC's shot in the underpass
Improve The Night Has a Thousand Lies Logo
Get a copy of Amy Winehouse's You Know I'm No Good instrumental
Choose and find a piece for the montage sequence- music that builds up
Choose and find a piece for Diannes's shots where she drops the ring and leave- i was thinking a slow piano piece, but not too sad.

Complete draft of second magazine film feature
Analyse trailers- focus on typography and voice over

Asha's Weekly Review - 8th to 12th March

1. We added music
2. We wrote the voice over
3. We made institutional logos
4. We filmed Slick's phone call and Lexi writing her name on the DVD

1. Our voice over voice doesn't work with the protagonist so we had to find someone else
2. We still need to make a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo
3. We re-recorded some dialogue but the camera wasn't on so we have to do it again

Next Steps
1. Capture Slick's "It was you", Slick's phone call and Lexi writing her name on the DVD MONDAY
2. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass MONDAY
3. Capture DC Black and PC digby in the underpass TUESDAY
4. Record the voice over TUESDAY
5. Think of the rest of the non-diegetic music we have to add TUESDAY
6. Make a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo WEDNESDAY


Thursday 11 March 2010

Non digetic sound

Chrissi Boi- Frozen
Dr.Dre ft Snoop Dogg- Still Dre
Amy Winehouse- You Know I'm No Good
The racy music from our picth video
Watch this video in a new windowKingdom Hearts Piano Medley

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Plans for Thursday 11th March

Tomorrow we are getting scrabble pieces to film the insitution sequence.
Shall we just film it in a classroom...Mr Bush's classroom?

We are filming it at LUNCHTIME

Period 3 we are practicing the voice over with Ricki and maybe doing a practice recording of it?


AB Pictures

We also began to think about our AB Pictures logo. We were thinking something a little simpler than our prime times production logo so we quickly though of this:

What do you guys think?


Prime Times Productions Ideas

Today we began to think about logos.
We were thinking we wanted a logo involving moving image. These were our first ideas:

1.1940’s themed- old lamp which gets turned on and the logo-Prime Times Productions- appears on screen. The background fades to black and the title fades to white.

2.Tracking shot of scenery and the logo- Prime Times Production- appears. All fades to black.

3. Scrabble pieces spelling Prime Times Production on a scrabble board. The last letter "S" is put down by a hand. All fades to black.

We so far have chosen the third idea, because we like it and it ties in with our prop- monopoly (Alienation)


Plan of Action- Updated

Wednesday 10th
1. AB Pictures Logo DONE
2. Start writing voice over DONE

Thursday 11th
1. Sort out Roman thinking
2. Find someone who has Scrabble to film (By friday?)
3. Give voice over to Ricki

Friday 12th
1. Photo shoot with actors
2. Re-film Slick answering his phone
3. Film Lexi writing her name on DVD
4. Re-film Dianne's dialogue LUNCH

Monday 15th
1. Capture Slick "It was you"
2. Capture Slick answering his phone
3. Capture Lexi writing her name on DVD
4. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass

Tuesday 16th
1. Capture DC Black and PC digby in the underpass
2. Edit Slick "It was you", Slick answering his phone, Lexi writing her name on DVD and DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass into the edited sequence

Wednesday 17th
1. Record the voice over

Thursday 18th
1. Think of non-diegetic music to add and how to get it
2. Work on a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo

Friday 19th
1. Add non-diegetic music

Monday 22nd to Tuesday 30th
1. If we have time, we should do a shorter teaser trailer
2. Hopefully we can get Kalbir to help us with the After Effects thing for the scenes where our lighting isn't perfect - it will make it look a lot better but we'll only do it if he has the time to spare
3. Finish anything else that needs to be done


Tuesday 9 March 2010

Plan of Action

Now that we have our sequence done, it doesn't mean that we are almost finished and have time to waste (Bianca). Rather than taking the 3 weeks we have left for granted, I think that we should make a timetable and stick to it. We need to check with all our actors and Ricki if they can do these days. Change it if you want but for now:

Wednesday 10th
1. Sort out Roman thinking
2. Start writing voice over

Thursday 11th
1. Carry on writing voice over (hopefully finish)

Friday 12th
1. Photo shoot with actors
2. Re-film Slick answering his phone
3. Film Lexi writing her name on DVD

Monday 15th
1. Capture Slick "It was you"
2. Capture Slick answering his phone
3. Capture Lexi writing her name on DVD
4. Re-film DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass

Tuesday 16th
1. Capture DC Black and PC digby in the underpass
2. Edit Slick "It was you", Slick answering his phone, Lexi writing her name on DVD and DC Black and PC Digby in the underpass into the edited sequence

Wednesday 17th
1. Re-record any diegetic sound that isn't clear enough to use
2. Record the voice over

Thursday 18th
1. Carry on recording the voive over if it doesn't get finished
2. Think of non-diegetic music to add and how to get it

Friday 19th
1. Work on a AB Entertainment/Pictures logo
2. Work on a Prime Times Productions logo
3. Work on a The Night Has a Thousand Lies logo

Monday 22nd
1. Add non-diegetic music

Tuesday 23rd to Tuesday 30th
1. If we have time, we should do a shorter teaser trailer
2. Hopefully we can get Kalbir to help us with the After Effects thing for the scenes where our lighting isn't perfect - it will make it look a lot better but we'll only do it if he has the time to spare
3. Finish anything else that needs to be done

Wednesday 31st
Our deadline - we will be done in time


Saturday 6 March 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 1st to 5th March

1. We've almost finished editing
2. We finally got the gang leader counting money

1. Slick's phone call wasn't filmed properly so we have to film it for a third time
2. We still haven't created a final logo

Next Steps
1. Make a logo
2. Film Lexi and Slick
3. Think of music to use
4. Write the voice over
5. Make all our institutional logos
6. Re-record some of the dialogue


Bianca's Weekly Review- 1st to 5th March


Refilmed slick's phone call (but it must have been recorded over so we have to film it again)
Filmed the money counting scenes with the gang leader
Completed the montage for our trailer
We have edited more than we expected for our tailer this week

We refined our logo for our trailer
Created a logo for prime times production
I researched and analysed film trailers

Plans for next week

Complete editing
Refilm slick's phone call
film lexi writing
record any dialogue that's needed



Thing's to do

Although we've nearly finished filming, we still have to film:
1. Lexi writing her name on the DVD
2. Slick's phone call (I know we filmed it already but it wasn't filmed properly)

The post-production things we still have to do are:
1. The editing's practically finished, we just need to check it and some stuff has to be re-arranged
2. All of us need to think of music
3. We have to write a voice-over
4. Seeing as we have time, I think we should do a shorter version of our trailer as a sort-of teaser trailer
5. We have to re-do a lot of the dialogue because most of it sounds really bad

I'm sure we have other things to do as well but I can't remember


Tuesday 2 March 2010

It's a Rap

We have officially finished filming. We have no-more to film!!!

That is, of course, if the footage we have is the best we need...

Sunday 28 February 2010


You know how we have the jump cuts to othere scenes (like the underpass with the flickers of the fight), we could use that it with the part where Dianne has the DVD in the hand, but add flickers of lexi writing LEXI on the piece of paper and the camera picture taking bits (the camera could be some old style modern camera XD)...? I like the idea but I'm not sure- does it give away too much...?

And in the voice over can the narrator explain who he thought the suspects were like say "I rememer thinking it could have been the police but i cant rember why"...but the scene where the police beating them up is playing at the same time?

..oooh when he methions people he could say the opposite, like when Lexi seduced him he could be like "yeah a nice proper lady"

But in a serious tone...british dry humor and sarcasim (is that spelt right) to add to the richness of british films! Thats usually what british films do best right...?

Sorry about my wafflin and not making sense, I was coming up with things as I was writing them.


Bianca's Weekly Review- 22nd to 26th


We have captured almost everything- just 1 or 2 of the toilet scenes left
We have begun to think about enhanced sound effects in the trailer and listed them
We have someone to do our voice over, and have begun to think about it in more depth
We have refined 30 seconds of our far
We refilmed the scenes in the toilet


We didn't film the money counting scenes
I havent looked at voice overs in trailers yet
It would be better if we did equal amounts of editing- we can edit invividually, in two's or in three's.

Plans for next week:


Refilm slick's phone call as we were unhappy with it
Film the money counting scenes withe the gang leader
Record any possible sounds from the sound list poted earlier this week
Review our current logo and improve it
Create a logo for prime time productions
And one for An AB Film, AB Films, AB Film Company, AB British Institute ABig Film (haha)
.....? we can't have two producion companies can we...?


Research typography and voice overs in trailers

Saturday 27 February 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 22nd to 26th Feb

1. We re-filmed the toilet scenes
2. We captured most of our footage
3. We started editing and are proud with what we have so far
4. We found someone to do our voice-over for us

1. We need to be able to work independently - if we agree to edit but certain group members don't turn up, it doesn't mean that we cancel and no one edits at all
2. We have to make sure we all do an equal amount of editing and all have a say in what happens

Next Steps
1. We have to re-film Slick answering the phone
2. We still have to film the gang leader counting money
3. We have to think of a Prime Time Productions logo


Friday 26 February 2010

Post-Production Sounds

As we are editing, we are listing sounds to record to empasises them, making it a more dramatic film....

Footsteps for Roman walking into to the underpass, so it needs to have an echo to it
Lexi laughing with echos Done
Telephone ring Done
Natural outside sound
Water running
Sound of raining, and thunder when the gang leader is on the phone...?

Gangleader saying "dont wory, he'll never know" Done
Slick saying "who are you" the Donovan says "........" again which an echoed feel to it ON MONDAY
Dianne saying "aww don't worry I trust you and this ring proves it"

What do you guys think...?


Thursday 25 February 2010


We have to decide what days we are going to edit. We have to make sure that we turn up and don't waste time when we should be editing. We have to be fair with the editing and all do an equal amount because some people filmed more than others and that can't happen with the editing as well. Think of what day of the week you want off so we know when we are editing.

Friday 19 February 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 15th to 19th Feb

1. We re-filmed the house scenes

1. We sort-of know what we're doing with the post-production stuff but we could be a bit more prepared

Next Steps
1. I need to do the log sheet for the house scenes
2. We need to start editing


Monday 15 February 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 8th to 12th Feb

1. We finished filming
2. We captured all of our footage

1. The lighting in the house scenes wasn't as good as we would have liked

Next Steps
1. Re-film the house scenes
2. Start editing


Bianca's Weekly Review- 8th to 12th Feb


We finally finished filming
I finished my trailer analysis
We captured and completed a production log
We got feedback on our footage filmed so far
We decided and finalised a new film title- The Night Has a Thousand Lies
I looked at possible music and title logos
We experimented and decided some effects for our trailer


We were happy with the shots filmed in the house scenes

Plans for next week


Re-film shots at the house scene
Research (meaning analyse and create a conventions list) for voice overs AND fonts/ writing styles (Typography) in trailers


Even more trailer analysis
Post up storyboard


Friday 12 February 2010

Possible Title Logo

Again, I was watching KILL BILL VOL.2 and I really liked the credits at the beginning, so I did a similar one for our title and it looks like this...

It's a bit plain and was thinking we could do something like almost characterise one of the letters or something? Or have like a big red lips lipstick mark on it or something? Just to modernise it?


Possible trailer music

I liked the music in the Brick trailer, so started looking for the soundtrack for the film and found two videos on Youtube. Some of them might be useful for if we decide our trailer is going to be more serious than comic. And plus it could be an intertexual reference to modern film noir film.

And when I was watching SAW III i though the theme tune-Hello Zepp- could work in our montage part of the trailer...the lively part for if we wanted a more serious trailer.


Brick Trailer Analysis

I have chosen to look at this trailer because it has many links to our film idea, making it our competitor. Firstly it is a modern film with film noir conventions eg lighting. Secondly, it has the same genre as ours, which is Crime/Detective. Thirdly the characters are of a similar age to our characters, which are teens.

"Brick", released in 2006, is an American film distributed by Focus Features, an art house sector of Universal Pictures. Focus Features' most famous success was Brokeback Mountain.

The very first scene and throughout the trailer uses low key lighting, which is a convention of film noir. This lighting could signify an unknown location which could foreshadow the disappearance of a character. In the mise en scene, the setting is on a dark street which signifies a gritty and dark atmosphere to the film. The setting combined with the lighting creates enigma posing question such as who is there? Why are they at a telephone box? At the same time it also raises expectations for the narrative. The telephone box is a prop that is positioned to the side of the frame. This could also signify the character is hidden, and out of the ways, again signify a lost character.

Another element we would like to use is sound bridging. In this trailer it sets the storyline in motion and creates enigma: they have planned what to do but will they suceed? The genre is film noir and this is shown though the use of conventions. Near the beginning of the trailer there binary opposition of a low angle shot next to a high angle shot. The character in the low angle shot signifies a protagonist and a Proppian hero. The high angle shot of the other character signifies less powerful character. The two shots together are sutured to signify a Proppian hero and helper. Dramatic angles and variations of shots are conventions of film noir used in the trailer.

Though conventions of film noir are used, some are challenged. For example the female character isn’t the usual femme fatale character that is seductive and dominant, instead they have challenged the stereotype and the female character is the Proppian princess, who needs to be rescued. The producer might have decided to challenge this convention because in today’s society, films where female’s stereotypes are reinforced, represent them as the Proppian princess- who needs saving.

Also the teen characters are represented as stereotypical nerd teens through the use of props such as the geeky glasses and the Rubix cube being completed in a fast speed. With this stereotype it helps the audience understand other things such the school setting- the library- in the mise en scene. The library setting also connotes a detective genre of film.

This film would appeal to an explorer psychographic because it combines film noir conventions with modern elements. For example the character that was playing with the Rubix cube also had a black briefcase beside him. The briefcase is a film noir props and it connotes secrecy and detective mystery along with its colour-black. This is out of place with the mise en scene- this is called anachronistic- when an object is out of place or time period. This is useful because we could use it in our trailer to signify the binary opposition of 1940’s meets 21st century.

The trailer would appeal to 16-25 primary audience and therefore a C1, D and E demographic. This is signified though the characters that are of a similar age, and the topics/themes that relate to society and ideologies. For example, the title of the film “Brick” denotes a block of concrete used for building. However it connotes slang for heroine which teens would recognise, understand and possibly identify with.

This trailer has progressive ideologies because it makes the audience aware of dugs, violence, gangs and missing people in society. This might be because of sensationalist stories in the media about teens and these issues. This might have created a moral panic amongst society and this film may have aided in making teenagers aware of it.

It could be suggested that the oppositional reading of the trailer is that teenagers are up to no good, getting involved in gangs and drugs. This could be because ruling classes are representing teens in a negative way, keeping their position low n society. Therefore it could be argued the hegemony ideology exist, though the use of this film and trailer.

In conclusion, this trailer is a very good starting point for exploring ideas for our trailer, because it cleverly challenges and reinforces many conventions, to create a modern film noir, which appeals to a teen audience.


Thursday 11 February 2010

Voice-overs in Film Noir

Voice over’s and flashbacks were persistent stylistic and narrative elements of Film Noir. It carefully clues the spectator to who is speaking, when, and from where, other films use voice-over and flashback temporarily more ambiguously. Often we need to inquire about the motives of narrative voices, how much they know and whether they are telling the truth, when and to whom they are speaking. Film Noir seems to emphasize narrative gaps, and even the possibility of narratives that can deceive. Invisible Storytellers, a study of voice–over narration by Sarah Kozloff, shows that its occurrence in Hollywood films is closely linked to the rise and decline of the Film Noir movement.


Possible Post-production Effects

This is a list of possible effects that we are thinking of using of using in our trailer:

Cineon converter
Black and white

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Footage Feedback- The Night has a Thousand Lies

In our media studies lesson, we looked at each groups footage they have filmed and gave feed back. I have summed up the feedback to look at improvents and advice.

We got mostly A and B grades for the media language, conventions, creativity, attention to detail and technical proficiency.

Positive feedback on the cinematograpy:
We used very good camera movements such as the panning shot of Lexi on her mobile. We used a range of interesting angles including close ups and medium shots.

Positive feedback on the mise en scene:
Our props were very realistic and we used iconic noir film clothing for character roles which fit in well with the genre.

Positive feedback on the lighting:
Good lighting with effective shadows and a good use of low and high key lighting.

Positive feedback on the sound:
The characters have good dialogue which sounds clear.

Positive feedback on the conventions and audience needs:
We have used the femme fatale character which is a noir film convention. We also have the costumes in which some challenge and reinforce conventions. Chararcters are identifiable with target audience.

Criticism feedback on cinematography:
We could have used a tracking shots. Some of our shots could be better done and more dramatic and exciting. Used more long shots.

Criticism feedback on mise en scene:
Some props such as the mobile looked inappropriate, but more props in genral could have been added. We should be more aware of our surroundings in every shot.

Criticism feedback on lighting:
Some of our lighting should be more contrasted and done better. lighting in shots outside could be better. A range of lighting.

Criticism feedback on sound:
Too much gaps between dialogue, which made it sound artificial. The sound could have been improved by using a microphone.

Criticism feedback on the conventions and audience needs:
We should have more film noir conventions with more action codes. The scenes are a bit slow paced.

Target audience needs:
A montage sequence of actions codes. Better acting. Parallel music and tracking shots. More conventions and slang. More close up to show expressions. More sexy and erotic shots and scenes (voyerism).

Post production suggestions:
Voice overs. Jazzy tracks. Slow motion effects. Black and white edit with after effects editing. A montage sequence.


Should we all do our feedback on the comments to say what we plan to take from it and improve?

What needs to be done now...?

We could research and analyse:

1. Voiceovers in noir film trailers

Filming Progress

WE FINISHED FILMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Possible updates in the trailer...

Yesterday I was thinking this...

Why don't we make the whole trailer of Roman reminicing on the past?

We could clearly show this by having the thinking shots throughout the whole trailer. And, the voice over could be from the same point in time- the present. This way we could clearly show both our trailer and the "real film" would have a non-linear narrative.

Next Filming

Last day filming!!

Wednesday 10th Feb

House, After school
Scene 13, 15, 19, 20, 21
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran), Gang leader (Hamzah)


Monday 8 February 2010

Film Title

Are we definitely decided on Night Has A Thousand Lies?


Bianca's Weekly Review- 1st-5th Feb


We finished the storyboard
We got Monday-Wednesday filming completed
I researched Postmodernism


We filmed on Thursday and Friday
I completed my trailer analysis

Plans for next week

As a group:

Fiming on Monday and Wednesday
Start editing/ production log




Sunday 7 February 2010

Filming Timetable Updated Again

Timetable had to change again. Hopefully this is the last filming timetable we'll have to post up.

Monday 8th Feb

Mr Bush's Office, After school
Scene 6, 7, 18
Donovan (Bilaal), DC Black (Sepehr), PC Digby (Kishan)

Wednesday 10th Feb

House, After school
Scene 13, 15, 19, 20, 21
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran), Gang leader (Hamzah)


More music posibilities...?

The begining of this music COULD work but im not sure.

It might work if we decide to mae the film more serious and thriller like....

But half way through it sounds very "apocalyptic" if that makes sense...

And this for if we make our trailer more comical...?

I think Mark Ronson songs could work because he uses the big band instruments, but modernises them, and everyone would recongnise the beats... - Oh My God by Lily Allen and Mark Ronson

I tried to look for an instrumental version, but couldn't find one. - You Know I'm No Good by Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson


Saturday 6 February 2010


“Postmodernism is a currently popular intellectual concept. It is used as a way of grouping and describing the styles of thought and culture attracting most critical attention during the final few decades of the twentieth century. It is sometimes affectionately referred to as 'pomo' by people with beards. 'Postmodernist thought' has caused a revolution across all academic disciplines, from Physics to English via Geography. Postmodernism offers a different way of both constructing and deconstructing ideas.” Quoted from

From what I have understood, Post-Modernism is when a text refers to a period in the past that was popular and is easily recognised, as it gained so much attention. Modernism isn’t just the “latest” or “newest”, it also refers to a particular time period from 1870’s to 1950’s.

This links very much to our trailer idea, because we are referring to Film Noirs from the 1940’s.

Post modernism favours the Pluralism ideology that audience consume the text in various different ways, giving the text a range of readings. This means that our trailer should be interpreted in different ways.

For example, the femme fatale character could be represented in different ways. Her dominant personality and power to do as she pleases could be seen as a positive thing, and would be praised in a femenists view. On the other hand, she is seen as promiscuous and a sexual object which represents women in a degrading way.


Friday 5 February 2010

Bilaal's Weekly Review - 1st to 5th Feb

- Storyboard was finally completed
- We've started filming and on the verge of finishing
- Thought about possible titles for the trailer

- I turned up on thursday to film. I used the wrong time-table and let my team down.
- I hadn't been locked in the damn toilet!

Next Steps
- Finish of filming
- Hand out questionnaires


Asha's Weekly Review - 1st to 5th Feb

1. We got our storyboard done
2. We thought of possible titles
3. Bilaal got locked in the toilet

1. We missed two days of filming so we now have to wait until Tuesday (hopefully) to finish, when we planned on finishing by Friday
2. I'm really tired

Next Steps
1. Get the filming done
2. As a group, all agree on a film title – I like Night Has a Thousand Lies (I thought of it)
3. We still have to do the questionnaire


Even more Updated Filming Timetable

Monday 8th Feb

House, After school
Scene 13, 15, 19, 20, 21
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran), Gang leader (Hamzah)

Tuesday 9th Feb

Mr Bush's Office, After school
Scene 6, 7, 18
Donovan (Bilaal), DC Black (Sepehr), PC Digby (Kishan)


Thursday 4 February 2010

Updated Filming Timetable

Friday 5th Feb

Mr Bush's Office, After school
Scene 6, 7, 18
Donovan (Bilaal), DC Black (Sepehr), PC Digby (Kishan)

Monday 8th Feb

House, After school
Scene 13, 15, 19, 20, 21
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran), Gang leader (Hamzah)


Film Noir

Check this out, we could use this in our trailer for some parts to raise suspense.


Possible Titles

The Postman Always Rings Twice - The Seductress Never Stops Calling

Tomorrow Is Forever - Her Tomorrow Is Your Ending

Born to Kill - Guilty Pleasures

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers - The Strange Remedy of Alexandria

Johnny O'Clock - Don O' Van

Lady in the Lake - Lady in ..... (her chosen colour)

The Killer That Stalked New York - The Villain That Stalked Their Hearts

I thought I would add to the ones at the end.
Out of the 3 chosen I would between 'Night Has a Thousand Lies' and ' Nobody Lies Forever'. The other one doesn't seem to catch my attention. These two titles leave a certain enigma amongst themselves.


Possible Titles

We (without Bilaal) were thinking of possible titles for our production. We thought that it might be a good idea to have inter-textual references with a classic film noir, so we looked at some titles that we could adapt and manipulate and even pun-ulate.

These our some possibilities that we came up with:

I Wake Up Screaming – I Wake Up Jailed, I Wake Up Guilty,

Journey into Fear – Journey into Guilt, Journey into Lust

The Woman in the Window – The Woman who looked Sexy, The Woman who looked Lexi

Some Like It Hot Some like it Rough

To Have and Have Not – To Steal and Steal Not, To Lie and Lie Not, To Cheat and Cheat Not

The Dark Mirror – The Dark Truth

Nobody Lives Forever – Nobody Lies Forever

The Devil Thumbs a Ride – The Devil Hooks a Fish

Ride the Pink Horse – Ride the Lexi Wagon

Night Has a Thousand Eyes – Night Has a Thousand Lies

Beyond the Forest – Beyond the Office

The Killer Is Loose – Lexi is Loose

Touch of Evil – Touch of L

The Postman Always Rings Twice

Tomorrow Is Forever

Born to Kill

The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

Johnny O'Clock

Lady in the Lake

The Killer That Stalked New York

We didn't get these from inter-textual references, but we like them:

Call me Guilty

They like a bit of Rough

These are our top three. Do you have any opinions Bilaal?

1. Night Has a Thousand Eyes – Night Has a Thousand Lies

2. Nobody Lives Forever – Nobody Lies Forever

3. Some Like It Hot – Some like it Rough


Tuesday 2 February 2010

Filming Timetable

Saturday 30th Jan
Marina, 10am
Scene 16
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran)

Monday 1st Feb
Underpass, After school
Scene 2, 4, 22
Donovan (Bilaal), Slick (Amaritpal), Dan (Badar), DC Black (Sepehr), PC Digby (Kishan), Other police (Sanjay, Ranjot, Mohsin)

Tuesday 2nd Feb
Mr Bush's Office, After school
Scene 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14
Donovan (Bilaal), Slick (Amaritpal), Dan (Badar), Lexi (Megan)

Wednesday 3rd Feb
Drama studio, P3
Scene 7, 13
Jerome (Raheam)

Somewhere unknown, Lunch
Scene 1
Donovan (Bilaal), Slick (Amaritpal), Dan (Badar)

Street, After school
Scene 12
Slick (Amaritpal), Lexi (Megan)

Thursday 4th Feb
D Block Boys Toilets, 8am
Scene 10
Dan (Badar), Lexi (Megan)

House, After school
Scene 15, 19, 20, 21
Donovan (Bilaal), Dianne (Simran), Gang leader (Hamzah)

Friday 5th Feb
Mr Bush's Office, After school
Scene 6, 7, 13, 18, 19
Donovan (Bilaal), DC Black (Sepehr), PC Digby (Kishan)


Monday 1 February 2010

Gang Leader/Jerome Conversation Scenes

Police Office Scenes

This is the scene is where the two police are discussing ambiguous information to create enigma.

This is another scene with the two police characters

Toilet Scenes

These are the shots we are thinking of using for using with the scenes of Dan and Lexi

Sunday 31 January 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 25th to 30th Jan

1. Final filming timetable done
2. We have a really good camera
3. We filmed a bit and it sort-of went well (apart from actors deciding to not come)

1. Actors are dropping out on us and it's not nice
2. Each individual in the group needs to put in as much effort as everyone else

Next Steps
1. Everyone needs to get a trailer analysis posted
2. We have to finish the storyboard (preferably this week)
3. We have to get the questionnaire done
4. I have to analyse the data from the questionnaire (but it has to be done first)
5. We need a new title - Innocence isn't good enough. Should we put a few possible titles on the questionnaire and see which one our target audience like best?


Bilaal's Weekly Review - 25th to 30th Jan


This week we didn't do much really. We focussed mainly on rehearsing and ensuring all the characters knew their roles and what clothes to wear. I've had a look at a few sound effects which are posted on the blog and also we started filming on saturday which was big plus providing one character could not make it .


It would of been better had we finished our storyboard, and found a suitable Plan B for some characters that had to unfortunately drop out. Most have been replaced however.

Plans for next week

As a group:

- Finish of the storyboard
- Continue with the filming


- Complete Trailer Analysis
- Research on rules and regulations of Prime Time Productions