Sunday 31 January 2010

Asha's Weekly Review - 25th to 30th Jan

1. Final filming timetable done
2. We have a really good camera
3. We filmed a bit and it sort-of went well (apart from actors deciding to not come)

1. Actors are dropping out on us and it's not nice
2. Each individual in the group needs to put in as much effort as everyone else

Next Steps
1. Everyone needs to get a trailer analysis posted
2. We have to finish the storyboard (preferably this week)
3. We have to get the questionnaire done
4. I have to analyse the data from the questionnaire (but it has to be done first)
5. We need a new title - Innocence isn't good enough. Should we put a few possible titles on the questionnaire and see which one our target audience like best?


Bilaal's Weekly Review - 25th to 30th Jan


This week we didn't do much really. We focussed mainly on rehearsing and ensuring all the characters knew their roles and what clothes to wear. I've had a look at a few sound effects which are posted on the blog and also we started filming on saturday which was big plus providing one character could not make it .


It would of been better had we finished our storyboard, and found a suitable Plan B for some characters that had to unfortunately drop out. Most have been replaced however.

Plans for next week

As a group:

- Finish of the storyboard
- Continue with the filming


- Complete Trailer Analysis
- Research on rules and regulations of Prime Time Productions


Bianca's Weekly Review - 25th to 30th Jan


Not much really...we have spent a lot of time this week replacing actors and rescheduling our filming time table which we were ment to do this week. It has been posponed to next week.

I have started looking at possible sound effects for post-production.

We filmed one of our scenes on Saturday...which was planned


We planned to get our story board finished this week, but we have only started it: It's not complete.

Our week was more productive in general!

Plans for next week

As a group:


As an individual:

Trailer analysis
Research post-modernism


Friday 29 January 2010


Because our film will have elements of the film noir era mixed with elements of the 21st Century, it will be deliberately anachronistic. We can't have too many anachronisms in case they overshadow the 1940s elements, but we can't have too few or it will look accidental.

We should use anachronisms with:
1. Costume
2. Non diegetic music
3. Some props, but not all of them

We shouldn't use anachronisms with:
1. Hair and make up
2. Diegetic sounds (phone call)

Should we use anachronisms with the dialogue or should we keep it 1940s?


Thursday 28 January 2010

Lottery Funded Films

The brief states that out film has been funded by the lottery. I found a list of films that have been funded by the lottery. We should look at some of the trailers for these films in case there are differences to film trailers that are not funded by the lottery.

1. Strictly Sinatra
2. The Lost Son
3. Room To Rent
4. Bugs!
5. Bright Young Things
6. Republic of Love
7. Ratcatcher
8. Loves Labours Lost
9. There's Only One Jimmy Grimble
10. The Hole
11. Thunderpants
12. Girl with a Pearl Earring
13. Max
14. Natural History
15. Magic Roundabout


Thursday 21 January 2010

Bilaal Mughal's Tasks

1) Complete the Proposal on our ideas

2) Look at what is allowed and not allowed in the Prime Time productions

3) Secondary Audience profile


Possible Sound Effects

Yeah so I was watching The Bill today and well they played something in order to rise tension. Thought we could perhaps use it aswell as it would work well with our production. I'll try to recover that little clip but let me know what you think?
Other than that I think we should look into The Bill as they do tend to raise tension through their aspects of camera angles and perhaps we could use that to our advantages. We can relate it back to Film Noir codes and conventions as well.

I'll get a few other clips from youtube for the other sound effects we need.


Bianca Green's Tasks

Throughout the rest of this project, these are my tasks:

1. Focusing on locations- Where and taking pictures

2. Focusing on props and costumes

3. Primary audience profile


Possible Sound and Music for the Trailer

As a group we discussed possible sounds we wanted in our trailer.

Phone ringing
Eerie sound effects
Face paced drum beats
Police sirens

If you have found any of them, post the link in a comment underneath.


Tuesday 19 January 2010

Experimenting with lighting

We experimented with lighting in a film noir style using the tips from the videos I found. We found that the pictures came out very dark with little contrast. However, when I added a black and white edit, and played around with the brightness and contrast, I found it looked much better.

We have also looked into using advanced artifictal lighting in the scenes in the office to get the best low key lighting possible, as it is a convention we plan to go along with.

Tuesday 19th January Day 1 of Rehersals- Mr Bush's Office

Today, Asha and I went to the rehersals with our charaters Donovan, Lexi and Slick. Unfortunaly, Dan was unable to make it, so we will rearrange a time to discuss what he does.

These are some pictures from today, where we have experimented with angles from scenes 1,3,8,9,14 and 11 from our script.


Monday 18 January 2010

DC Black and DC Digby

If DC Black is DC Digby's boss, shouldn't it be DC Black and PC Digby? I think PC's below DC.


The Fourth Wall

I was talking to some old people about old films and they all mentioned that in a lot of films, the characters broke the fourth wall. Do you think we should do this? I think it could be really effective if we added it in at the right time and not too often or it'll just look cheesy. What do you think? I know we had a bit with Dan breaking the fourth wall before and I didn't agree with it because it was at the wrong time but now thinking about it we could add it somewhere else.


Sunday 17 January 2010

Response to Response to Lottery Funded Question

I like that. If we have that I don't think we'll need to mention them any other time. Maybe we should disect the brief a bit more cause we never noticed that before so maybe there's something else we haven't noticed. The stuff we really need to remember are:

1. "Independent British Film production company" – we should try and avoid anything that's too American, especially with the urban setting. Let's make it look as British as we can.
2. "A budget of £5 million" – we can't do anything extravagent but we weren't going to anyway.
3. "Lottery funding" – we sorted that out already.
4. "Appeal to MORE than the mainstream 16-25 youth market" – I think we've been focusing too much on just 16-25's. Let's not make it too young and think of our secondary audience a bit more.
5. "Release the film in about twenty cinemas around the UK in the hope that it will 'build'" – We're allowed to be a bit specialist then because if it was really mainstream it would go to more than twenty cinemas. We don't need to get too worried about our idea then.
6. "A two minute trailer" – I think ours is a lot over two minutes, about three minutes or something and when we add the montage of random shots it'll be even more. We can sort this out post-production though.
7. "Posing questions for the audience that the film will answer" – Do we have enough enigma or do we give too much away? I think we should get someone that knows nothing about it to check our script and see if they know everything that's going on or if they have questions. If they know what's going on then we should cut the bits that give too much away out.

Is there anything else I've missed?


Response to Lottery Funded Question

Yeah I think we should. I found this logo which would be useful and relevant...


"An independent British Film and Television production company, Prime Times Productions, has produced a feature film with a budget of £5 million, party supplied by lottery funding."

Does this mean we have to mention the lottery in our institutional bit, like have their logo or something? Cause why would the brief have mentioned that bit if we didn't need that there? Maybe we should add in the lottery logo just to be safe?


What We Bought

Both Asha and I went shopping after school on Friday to buy the costumes we need. We bought:

1. Grey patterend fedora hat – £5
2. Patterend jumper – £4
3. Boxy dark blazer jacket – £1.50
4. Black braces – 50p
5. Hair band with roses – £2
6. Beatles Print T-shirt – £3
7. White shirt with black tie – £4
8. Nude colour tights – £1
9. Fish net tights – £1

Grand Total= £22

Asha paid £15 for items 1,2,5,7

Bianca paid £7 for items 3,4,6,8,9

Bilaal owes Asha £8


What costumes do we need to buy?

For each character this is what they don't have and what we need to borrow or buy:

Smart shoes, preferably spectators

Accessories: Hair bands, jewellery, tights ect

A t-shirt with a print

A boxy blazer jacket
Patterened jumper



Props Needed

We need to decide if we want old or new with each prop, but I'll put my ideas down.

An old style camera – for when Lexi takes a picture of herself with Donovan (Mr Bonner has some in his art room, I can ask him) DONE

A poloroid picture of Lexi and Dan

A modern diamond style ring for Dianne DONE

An old style telephone for "The phone calls" – They have loads of them on ebay for under £10 it would only cost us like £3 extra each FOUND ALTERNATIVE We have decided to use a telephone from school


Character's Costumes

Waistcoat and trousers two piece suit
Black fedora hat
Plain collared shirt
Smart shoes
Spinning belt
Wrist watch

Red dress
Courts shoes

Patterned or plain shirt
T-shirt with logo or phrase
Jeans or trousers
Canvas shoes

White collared shirt
Dark trousers
Dark boxy blazer jacket
Patterned jumper
Converse shoes

Floral dress
Plain pumps or courts
Patterned A-Line skirt
Plain top
Round neck small buttoned cardigan


DC Black
Military style long jacket
Black canvas shoes

DC Digby
Blazer and trousers full suit
Collared shirt
Hooded jumper
Black canvas shoes

Unknown Ganster Leader
Trousers and jacket suit


Mon 11th to Fri 15th Reflection - Asha

Things that are going well

1. We've got a lot of research done. We understand our genre and the context of it's time period well.
2. We have all our actors, we've written a script, we've sorted out all of our locations and we've got our hands on a HD camera!!
3. We finished our questionnaire.

Things that aren't going so well

1. We forgot to print off our questionnaire so we couldn't carry it out when we planned and now we're not at the stage we would've liked to be.
2. Not everyone in the group is putting in the same amount of effort, whether it's in group tasks, individual tasks or just finding out where we're at and what still needs to be done.


Mon 11th to Fri 15th Reflection- Bianca

Group tasks

What aims did we fulfill this week?

Finalising the script; experimenting with lighting; creating a rehearsal/filming timetable; creating questionnaires; meeting with the whole cast to give them their roles, scripts, timetables and discuss props and costumes; shop for props and clothing.

What didn't we achieve and why?

We didn't distribute the questionnaires to target audience because we forgot to print them off on Friday for the weekend. We also didn't have time to finish experimenting with angles and lighting, and then forgot to finish off.

What could we have done better?

We could have expeimented with lighting even more.

Overall how have we done as a group?

I think this week we have achieved a lot, only missing two things to complete. We have set ourselves an achieveable aim that we have almost fulfilled.

However I feel that certain memebers of the group are not putting in as much effort as others. I feel they are not trying hard enough to find out what needs to be done, not using their initiative or teamwork skills and as a result they have little work to show.

My personal tasks

I have:

Taken pictures of Mr Bush's office, the school entrance and the underpass.

I need to:

Take pictures of the marina, the street with an alley and the toilets. I also need to finish off my trailer analysis.


Friday 15 January 2010

Mr Bush's comments on the Presentation

This PowerPoint Presentation introduces our idea for a film trailer. With it we also have a teaser mini video.

The Night Has A Thousand Lies PowerPoint Presentation

Mr Bush commented on our idea and wrote all the things we could think about to develop our idea.

Good Points

1. Our video- Creates enigma
2. PowerPoint Presentation- Strong, excellent, well designed, limited text on slides
3. Research- Film noir and historical context
4. Very competent presentation skills

Points to consider

1. Look at the modern film noir film "Brick"
2. Casting- cut down the cast?
3. Black and white edit
5. Props and costume
6. Time and setting- is it deliberatly (WHATS THAT WORD???)

Wednesday 13 January 2010

We Still Need To...

The thing's we still have to do are:
1. A film trailer analysis each
2. Find the 1940s props that we will need to use
3. Find out the restrictions of a prime time trailer
4. Research police of the film noir era
5. Find casual clothes from the 1940s
6. Our storyboard


Tuesday 12 January 2010

Plan of Action


1. Update script DONE
2. Experiment with angles and lighting DONE


1. Rehearsal/filming timetable DONE
2. Experiment with angles and lighting


1. Meeting with actors DONE
Discuss costumes, distribute scripts and timetable DONE


1. Questionnaires
2. Props and clothing shopping SORT OF DONE?

How our Idea Fits Conventions

I looked at how our idea fits the conventions of film noir:

Crime/mystery genre – There is mystery behind who set the characters up for committing the crime
Male protagonist – Donovan is our protagonist
Protagonist is dominant representation of men – Donovan is a wealthy businessman with a devoted wife who does all the homemaking for him
Mysterious female character with a big role – The femme fatale is the villain and has one of the most important roles in the narrative
Love – The femme fatale's motives are because of the love that she lost
Corrupt police – The police seem to be plotting something
Urban setting – Streets will be used for a lot of the action
Complicated narrative with many different storylines – There's a lot going on


New Ideas!!!

We were discussing potential additions that could help our trailer become more effective and therefore decided to add more ideas into our trailer.

Firstly we thought we would add the aspect of Crooked police. We decided to add this into the scenes in order to make the audience question whether they were potentially involved in the framing. Also crooked police is an example of conventions of film noir so that was also a reason why we decided to add it in.

We also have another twist by adding in a dodgy character who is portrayed to be the bad guy yet converses and works with what we believe to be one of the good guys. This also is done to add to the enigma of the plot and question who is really guilty and who is really innocent.


Bianca Green's Tasks

1. Take pictures of the underpass
2. Take pictures of the Marina
3. Take pictures of the toilets HA!
4. Trailer analysis
5. Take picture of a street with an alley


Our Locations

Location One – The Pathway

This is a pathway we are planning to use. We will use it as a prison site. The charaters are freed from prison and walk down the path to leave.

Location Two – The office

This will be used as Donovan's work office. We might also use this room as another office: the office that the characters secretly attempt to find information and documents on other people.

Location Three- The Underpass

Location Four- The Marina

Our Final Choice of Locations

1. Greenford High School entrance – Prison area
2. Office – Belongs to Donovan
3. Underpass – The location to be arrested at
4. Living room with a sofa – The protagonist with his wife, The phone call scenes
5. The marina – Donovan's flashbacks of him and his wife
6. School toilets – Lexi seduces Dan
7. A street with an alley Lexi meets and seduces Slick

Monday 11 January 2010

Costume and Props Solution

We could go to a charity shop, because they will have lots of 1940's clothing at really cheap prices. For higher quailty clothers we could go to higher class places as people will donate expensive stuff. It is a stereotyped opinion but it is fairly true.


Carrying Out The Questionnaire

When/where are we gonna do this? We've gotta do it soon so we can make any necessary adjustments to our idea incase we might have something that really won't appeal to our target audience that we need to change.


Thoughts on Locations...

As a group we discussed what locations and setting we would like in our trailer. We also looked at what would be filmed there. These are the possible locations so far:

1. Greenford High School entrance – Prison area
2. Benches – For Lexi's intermate moments with the 3 male characters
3. Underpass – The location to be arrested at
4. Living room with a sofa – The protagonist with his wife, The phone call scenes


Film Title...

So we have all agreed that we want to change the film titile from 'Innocence' to something new. But we still want the word Innocence in a phrase.

Possible ideas I have thought about:

Innocence of the Guilty
Guilty Innocence
The Taker of Innocence
The Innocent Phone Call
The Phone Call
The Mind of A Woman
A Guilty Man's Tale

I don't think there are any winners in this list, but I hope it could inspire something magical!



Ooooh maybe the femme fatale could've stole the money and kept it for herself. The femme fatale's always have loads of money in film noir so I think it would go well. She could buy herself some new wigs with it.


I think we all totally forgot this..

We need to think of what crime they are all framed for committing. The conventions of film noir that we haven't got in our production are something to do with money and death/murder. I think that the crime should be linked to these; either they are framed for murder or they are framed for robbing a bank or a millionaire or something. Murder's really commonly used so should we go for the money thing?


Sunday 10 January 2010

Things to do – Updated

We've done a lot since the last list of things to do but we still need to do:

1. A film trailer analysis each

2. A questionnaire DONE

3. Locations DONE

4. Think of actors to be police DONE

5. Storyboard

6. Script DONE

7. The props and costumes problem DONE

8. Experiment with lighting and angles by taking photographs DONE

9. Can we think of a better name? 'Innocence' ain't great.

10. Bilaal needs to do an evaluation and fill in the gap on the timetable – when can you do after school? DONE

Is that it?


Film Noir Trailers


15 or 18 Certificate?

The brief states that the trailer will be shown in cinemas showing films that have been given a 15 or 18 certificate. I looked at the difference between films with a 15 certificate and films with an 18 certificate. Films with an 18 certificate have stronger themes, language, nudity and horror than films with a 15 certificate. They also have more sexual content and violence. Our trailer will not be an 18 because it is more light-hearted than this. It will have more restrictions on language, nudity and sexual content and only mild violence. Therefore, it will have a 15 certificate.


18 Certificate

The brief states that the trailer will be shown in cinemas showing films that have been given a 15 or 18 certificate. I researched the restrictions of a 18 certificate film.

Theme: Any theme.
Language: Any language.
Nudity: Any nudity.
Sex: Explicit detail must be kept to a minimum. Sex that is stimulated is accepted but real sex will be certified R18.
Violence: Detailed violence and dangerous acts which are likely to promote violence might not be accepted.
Horror: Any horror.
Drugs: Instructive detail of illegal drug use will not be accepted unless the context justifies it.


15 Certificate

The brief states that the trailer will be shown in cinemas showing films that have been given a 15 or 18 certificate. I researched the restrictions of a 15 certificate film.

Theme: Any theme as long as the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds to watch.
Language: Frequent strong language is accepted. However, the strongest language is only rarely accepted. Continued aggressive use of strong language is not accepted.
Nudity: Nudity is accepted as long as it is non-sexual or educational.
Sex: Sexual activity is accepted as long as it is not in strong detail. Casual sex should be portrayed responsibly. Strong verbal references to sex may be accepted.
Violence: Strong violence is accepted as long as it does not just show infliction of pain. Sexual violence must be brief and handled tactfully.
Imitable techniques: Dangerous combat techniques are unlikely to be accepted. Emphasis on the use of easily accessible weapons is not accepted.
Horror: Detailed infliction of pain and injury are not accepted.
Drugs: Drug taking can be shown. However, clear detail of drug taking is not accepted. Films cannot promote drug use.


Film Noir Filmmaking

Film Noir Lighting

This film looks at how we can recreate the lighting in film noir. This is useful in making a film with a clear film noir style. We have decided to practice and experiment with lighting using a digital camera, a single bright light, and a dark location... and some actors!


First Draft of Trailer: Series of Events

We have a clear understanding of what happens in our film storyline from beginning to end. Now we have considered what events in the storyline would be useful in our trailer to "attempt to hook its audience" into the narrative and create enigma:

Trailer Sequence:

The three characters pick up the phone to the "Phone Call"

Flashback: Lexi is seen with Donovan on an intimate level

They go to the location

They get arrested

Two years later... text

The three men leaving jail

A montage of random clips creating tension and enigma:

The argument between Donovan and Slick

Lexi with Slick

Lexi seducing Dan

Donovan sitting, thinking, piecing together the puzzle

Flashbacks of lexi and donovan

Donovan in his equilibrium period, happy living life

The three men trying to solve who set them up

"Danny boy!" "It's Dan, I'm a man now" scene

Finally, Donovan with his wife on an intimate level, showing afftection

A short shot of Lexi with shadows over her face

Film titles

Saturday 9 January 2010

Character Profiles

We discussed the different characters that we will have in our film as a group to understand our characters properly. We also tried to find suitable actors that would portray these characters well. The actors we have so far are:
Lexi – Megan
Donovan – Raheam
Slick – Biplove
Dan – Nabil
Dianne – Simran
Jerome – Mohammed
Gang leader - Hamzah
DC Black - Sepehr
DC Digby - Kishan
Other police officers - Simon, Shaurav, Sanjay

Narrative Role – Villain

Name – Alexandria AKA Lexi
Age – 27
Occupation – Exotic dancer
Reason for framing them – She had her heart broken after her husband cheated on her so she seduces people and punishes them for cheating on their partners.
Personality – We know she’s got a dark side but we still trust her.

Her thoughts – "The broken platter that has been passed on to me shall bear poisonous fruits for those who seek it... revenge is sweet."

Narrative Role – Hero

Name – Donovan
– 25
Occupation – Sort-of wealthy businessman
Reason for getting involved with Lexi – He’s happy in his relationship but can’t resist Lexi’s charm.
Personality – He’s successful and happy and likes to have fun. Women are easily attracted to him and, although he’s in a happy relationship, he’s easily attracted to them too.

His thoughts – "I let the touch of a female's kiss make my perfect world crumble to pieces."

Name – Slick
Age – 23
Occupation – Black market salesman
Reason for getting involved with Lexi – He likes a bit of rough.
– He is bit of a player who likes casual sex. He’s always on the wrong side of the law but nothing too extreme and get’s into fights and arguments really easily.
His thoughts – "I'm a ladies man and she was my ultimate challenge... never again."

Name – Daniel AKA Dan
– 19
– Estate agent
Reason for getting involved with Lexi
– He is too scared to say no.
– He tries really hard in life but doesn't seem to get anywhere. He appreciates what he's got but isn't completely satisfied and can't resist temptation. He hasn't been happy in a long time.
His thoughts – "They always tell me to man up, to be in charge, but having been a man and done my own thing, I realise it comes with a price tag."

Name – Dianne
– 25
– Housewife
Personality – She’s caring and innocent. She is devoted to her husband, trusts him and will do anything for him.
Her thoughts – "I wonder where Donovan is. I miss him every minute he's not around."

Name – Jerome AKA JJ
Age – 18
Occupation – Unemployed, used to work with Slick in the black market
Personality – He was kicked out of school. He doesn't really do much other than look up to Donovan so when the opportunity to help him comes along, he grabs it.
His thoughts – "Donovan's like a brother to me, he'd help me out and i'd do the same for him.

Name Unknown
Age 35
Occupation Gang leader
Personality Mysterious, Calm

Name DC Black
Age – 30
Occupation – Police officer
Personality – Corrupt officer, Calm but deadly

Name – DC Digby
Age – 22
Occupation – Police officer
Personality – New to the job, Corrput officer, Excited by criminal activity, DC Black's right-hand man

Personality – Aggressive, Like hurting people who they think deserve it


Other work that needs doing..

1. Can someone write how our idea links to the conventions of film noir that Asha has posted? DONE

2. Can someone do a key concept analysis of our film idea (add it to our film idea post if you want):

Media language (dont worry about this at the moment)

Sorry I keep posting tons of work up but we need to make sure our thoughts are shown on the blog!!



Monday P2 Bianca has media
Monday P3 & P4 Bilaal has frees
Monday P5 & P6 Asha and Bilaal have media
Tuesday P3 Bilaal has a free
Wednesday P1 & P2 Bilaal has frees
Wednesday P3 & P4 Bianca and Asha have frees
Wednesday P6 Bianca has media
Thursday P3 & 4 Bianca and Asha have frees
Friday P3 Bianca has media
Friday form time Meeting with Mr Bush

Friday P5 Asha and Bilaal have media
Friday P6 Bilaal has a free

After school

Asha can do any day after school

Bianca can do any day after school except Thursdays

Bilaal can do any day after school

Plan of Action - DUE FRIDAY 15th

This needs to be done by each individual by the 15th Jan:

1. Evaluate our film idea – What do you think is good and what is bad? How can we improve our idea? What things could make our idea hard or challenging to produce? DONE

2. Come up with 5 qualitative (open ended) questions and 5 quantitative (multiple choice) questions that you think will benifit our understanding of what our audience want. DONE

3. Find a film trailer which would compete with our idea – Analyse and evaluate it using the key concepts and film language keywords we have. Find films with similar genre, storyline, film style ect, embed the trailer from youtube and anayse it in the same post. (This link has a range of film noir films – classics and post 1950's)

Post a comment stating what trailer you are doing and how it links or has similarities to our film . This is so we have a range of trailers to inspire us!

As a group we need to discuss:

1. What changes we should make to our idea? DONE

2. Who is doing what film to analyse?

3. Put our questions together and create a questionaire for our audience. DONE

4. Our character profiles, actors and locations. DONE

5. 1940's props.

6. Scripting. DONE


Friday 8 January 2010

Changes to our idea

We decided that having five main characters was too much and would make the trailer a lot more complicated for us. We cut it down to three characters.

We also changed the motives of the femme fatale for framing the three characters. Rather than her framing them to seek revenge after they all broke her heart, we have now changed it so she has had her heart broken by someone else a long time ago. She was married and in love but then she discovered that her husband was cheating on her. She now uses her femininity and seductive charm to make other men who are in relationships sleep with her. She then punishes the ones who fall for her for cheating on their partners.

We introduced an extra character. He will be the dispatcher/helper character. He is a friend of the protagonist and, while the protagonist is inside, he tries to solve the mystery of who set them up.


Bilaal's Evaluation of our Idea

What Went Well?

I like the fact that we have chosen to do a film noir instead of the typical horror, action or comedy trailer. The aspects of our film are unique and briefly relates back to past film noir films. This is good as it raises the originality in our work. We have really looked into film noir’s and explored different sectors like primary and secondary audience, props, hair, music, lighting etc. It’s also a good idea for a low budget film.

Even Better If?

The main problem at the moment is deciding for an original and captivating title. So far we have “Innocence” and we all feel that it should be changed. Also, lighting will be hard to retrieve and needs to look realistic in order for us to pay homage to it.


Potential problems we could face is of course the lighting. There are also other aspects such as props, hair, music etc. We need to ensure that everything represents the 1940’s look otherwise it won’t look realistic. I don’t have much experience in using the editing software so I will have to adjust quickly as editing is only 3 weeks.


Asha's Evaluation of our Idea

I think that our group has come up with a very original and exciting idea. However, there are some things that may get in our way.

Characters fit in with Propp’s Seven Spheres of Action
We have thought about our primary and secondary audience and how our film will appeal to them
Good understanding of the conventions of film noir
Matching the brief – our film would work well as a low-budget British independent film

Lighting will need to look realistic
Hair, costume and make up will have to represent the fashion of the 1940s
We don’t have a lot of time to edit
We should think of a better name than 'Innocence'

Use simple lighting equipment, such as torches and table lamps, which we can hold where we want them to get the best effect possible
Look back at how hair and make up used to be styled in the 1940s and practice imitating it
Be organised and stick to a strict schedule and capture as soon as we’ve filmed so we don’t have to capture it all at once


Bianca's Evaluation of our Idea

What Went Well?

I like the originality of our idea: film noir meets modern day. I think the "whodunnit?" detective genre aspect of our film is very exciting and will help us create a lot of enigma. We have thought about post-production effects such as a black and white edit and low-key lighting.

Even Better If...

I think we should reconsider the title of our film "Innocence". I'm not 100% with it at the moment. We also don't have a definite idea of the femme fatale's motives. At the moment she did it because they have all broken her heart. I think we could expand on that. I think in genreral we should refine our final idea.

Problems to face...

I think our major problem could be looking for 1940's props. However these props are found in modern fashion.