Sunday 17 January 2010

Response to Response to Lottery Funded Question

I like that. If we have that I don't think we'll need to mention them any other time. Maybe we should disect the brief a bit more cause we never noticed that before so maybe there's something else we haven't noticed. The stuff we really need to remember are:

1. "Independent British Film production company" – we should try and avoid anything that's too American, especially with the urban setting. Let's make it look as British as we can.
2. "A budget of £5 million" – we can't do anything extravagent but we weren't going to anyway.
3. "Lottery funding" – we sorted that out already.
4. "Appeal to MORE than the mainstream 16-25 youth market" – I think we've been focusing too much on just 16-25's. Let's not make it too young and think of our secondary audience a bit more.
5. "Release the film in about twenty cinemas around the UK in the hope that it will 'build'" – We're allowed to be a bit specialist then because if it was really mainstream it would go to more than twenty cinemas. We don't need to get too worried about our idea then.
6. "A two minute trailer" – I think ours is a lot over two minutes, about three minutes or something and when we add the montage of random shots it'll be even more. We can sort this out post-production though.
7. "Posing questions for the audience that the film will answer" – Do we have enough enigma or do we give too much away? I think we should get someone that knows nothing about it to check our script and see if they know everything that's going on or if they have questions. If they know what's going on then we should cut the bits that give too much away out.

Is there anything else I've missed?


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