Saturday 9 January 2010

Plan of Action - DUE FRIDAY 15th

This needs to be done by each individual by the 15th Jan:

1. Evaluate our film idea – What do you think is good and what is bad? How can we improve our idea? What things could make our idea hard or challenging to produce? DONE

2. Come up with 5 qualitative (open ended) questions and 5 quantitative (multiple choice) questions that you think will benifit our understanding of what our audience want. DONE

3. Find a film trailer which would compete with our idea – Analyse and evaluate it using the key concepts and film language keywords we have. Find films with similar genre, storyline, film style ect, embed the trailer from youtube and anayse it in the same post. (This link has a range of film noir films – classics and post 1950's)

Post a comment stating what trailer you are doing and how it links or has similarities to our film . This is so we have a range of trailers to inspire us!

As a group we need to discuss:

1. What changes we should make to our idea? DONE

2. Who is doing what film to analyse?

3. Put our questions together and create a questionaire for our audience. DONE

4. Our character profiles, actors and locations. DONE

5. 1940's props.

6. Scripting. DONE



  1. For the film analysis I am going to look at Brick which is a modern (2006) film noir film with a detective crime genre, with teen characters. I think it will be our main competitor!!!


  2. I'm doing either Spellbound or Double Indemnity.

